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Hi Jordan, hi all,

Sorry to bother again with a question :)

I read a book about Joomla and I found out that the way to make a menu item is to create an article and after that make a menu item to that article.
But I would like to only link to modules, because know I have an article section in my page with a width that doesn't cover full width.

After some googling, I installed the Nonumber extension Modulesanywhere. Unfortunately, when I follow the documentation, the result is that the 'module' is compressed into the width of an article and not stretching full width.

Is there an other procedure to create menu items with just modules and not with an article first?

A side-question, IF an article is necessary, how can I give it a full width background color? I only succeeded in giving it a background that covers just the article, and then I have a white margin, that looks pretty ugly :p

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