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Migration to Joomla 4

Hi all,
Recently, Joomla 4 was released!
Without doubt, all IT users will have to do some work on their (client's) websites. The past few years, IT was quite a silent place, because most work was done behind the scenes in order to prepare for Joomla 4. Ivo explained this a few times. Now that Joomla 4 is finally no future anymore but reality (and now that I maintain so many client sites that I need to take it more seriously) I have some questions:
- will there be a blog on IT in the near future about the connection between The mini migration (as Joomla mentions it) and IT's templates and particles?
- what are IT's plans for the near future?
The last question is about planning: Joomla 3.10 is maintained for 2 more years so no pressure, however, for each client there has to be a plan about when to migrate and what they want with their sites in the future. I even have some sites from the time Jordan worked with Ivo ;-) and maybe it's better to rebuild these sites completely or partially. Hopefully, in Joomla 4 and with the energy and vibe of IT!
So I hope that IT will be the place to be now that Joomla 4 is available, and I am very excited to hear about the plans. Not only Ivo's plans, but all your plans. Maybe we can help each other!
With kind regards,
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