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Milano: Site Crash upgrade to Gantry 5.5.11

Hi Ivo

I am having a problem with one of my websites ( and it is the only website I have using the Milano Template. About a week ago I attempted to upgrade to Gantry 5.5.11 the website went down with the usual load of code. Normally I can see what is causing the problem and go and fix it. However that day I was in a hurry so quickly brought it back to Gantry 5.5.7 and all worked again.

This morning I thought I would take a better look at the code that came up, but again had to go back to 5.5.7 before the website came back up.

The error I am getting is: Attempt to assign property "group" on null

The piece of code that was shown was:

// Get the items for this group with proper ordering.
$group = [];
foreach ($ordering as $key => $dummy) {
if (isset($children[$key])) {
$group[$key] = $children[$key];

// Assign each menu items to the group.
$item = $menu[$key];
$item->group = $i;

// Update remaining children.
$children = array_diff_key($children, $ordering);

// Build child ordering.
$ordered += $group;

The path was: /home/domain/public_html/libraries/gantry5/src/classes/Gantry/Component/Menu/Item.php

At the moment the website is working fine on Gantry 5.57 but I am unable to upgrade. I have not come across this before so not sure where to start. I believe I have updated everything on the website.

Any help would be appreciated.

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