Support Forum

Montserrat as a second local font

Hi Ivo,

I'm having an huge problem with having Montserrat as a secondary local font (in Germany it is not allowed to have fonts loaded from Google).
Tried almost everything I could read in the Gantry documentation and online but the Montserrat font is not found as a local font.

crated a folder "montserrat" under custom/fonts
uploaded montserrat-regular-webfont.woff and montserrat-regular-webfont.woff2 into this folder

put this line into the custom.scss at the beginning (after @import "dependencies";):
@include font-face('montserrat', 'gantry-theme://custom/fonts/montserrat/montserrat-regular-webfont', 400);

Saved the custom.scss, recompiled the css, deleted the JCH optimize cache, browser cache but I can't see the Montserrat-font within the Styles tab as a local font.
Still only Roboto can be choosed, whereas I want Montserrat for the headings and menu and only loaded locally.

For not getting into trouble I'm using Roboto for the Menu and Headings right now but I would like to have the thinner Montserrat.

Where is my fault? I think this is also a problem many will face (also because there is a huge wave of warnings in Austria / Germany which can cost you easily 1000.-€ and more).

Thanks in advance,
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