Support Forum

Simon Slee
Simon Slee

I am a new InspireTheme template user and I've just about finished a new site but I have a couple of issues I can't solve. I am using the Galaxy theme.

The web url is:

My issues are:

- Missing Site Name: The browser site name just shows 'home', etc. even though I have added a description that does work on the Joomla backend. How do I make the template display this on the site?

- Logo Position issue on Mobile: I have currently replaced the standard Galaxy logo with a logo of exactly the same size, and the logo works fine on desktop and tablets, but on a mobile in portrait mode (testing on an iPhone 5S) the logo wont center like on your demo, it is hard left, and the hamburger menu icon overlaps it. I just replaced the logo, and your demo site works on the phone, so I don't understand why this won't work?

- OffCanvas Text Colour: I have added a menu module to the offcanvas position but the text is white on white background. I have not added any modulesuffixes, and when I try they don't seem to work. Is there a way to fix this? I can follow CSS instructions if needed, but I'm not experienced with CSS.

- Contact in Gadgets: Is there a way to use the contact option in the Gadgets particle but not show the Google Map?

- Mailto in Contact Particle: I am using your Contacts particle and have listed an email address but I cannot figure out how to make it act like a 'mailto' in HTML and automatically open up an email browser. Is there a way?

- Main Feature Images on Mobile: I'm also using the Main Feature particle to create a number of different sections on a few different pages, but again when on mobile (iPhone 5S in portrait and landscape) the text part shows but not the images. I would like the image to stack with the text, like Image Feature particle does. Is there a way to show the images on mobile?

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