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I am building a OnePage template using Royalty as my starting point at this addressed:
(The site may look messy as I am experimenting and I don't yet have any real content so I am using a lot of lorem ipsum and "lorem Image" or whatever it is called)
I activated the Onepage Menu on the home page and I have a list of articles displaying there (for now dummy text and pictures.

The problem I am having at the moment is that none of those articles display the inline pictures. Intro images work Ok, but no image I placed in the text is showing up in the onepage layout.

The articles are displayed using the Joomla Articles Particle.
I tried using a category blog layout but I abandoned that for some reason I don't recall at the moment. I may have to go back and revisit that.
I also renamed the entire html folder inside royalty in case there was an override in com_content. No dice.

For the record (and I may have to open its own post for this one) I did look in the particle if there was some setting that prevented images from displaying and I couldn't find it.

Blank backend particle interface

When I opened the particle to double check before this post, I found out that every particle is blank. Not just the Joomla articles particle, but all of them.
I am in the process of testing various browsers and checking other things, but I think it's worth a mention as the last time I was in the layout area everything worked well and I already had searched for some switch to display images in the article particle. I went them to see if I missed something and discovered an almost completely blank particle interface.

I attached a screenshot and it's possible by the time someone responds (or goes there) the issue will be fixed, but for now I am driving blind.

Thank you for your help.
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