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Support Forum

Hi everyone. We hqave experience the below issue.
We have a site with joomla 3.9.27 and gantry 5.4.37
We use porfolio particle with 70 items.
Now we started to update->First Joomla to latest 3.10.12-> then Gantry to 5.5.15->then the template (solo)
Now we notice the below issue:
In fronetnd we see ok the 70 items, but when we go to backend and open the particle, we see insode 51, and if we press save in frontend twe have now 50.
We said ok, let's copy paste from backup every other item, but when we save the particle we still have 50....
we get the same results even if we don't update the template and we get the same results in both PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.0
we assume gantry update makes the conflict...
Is there somethig we can do to overpass it?
We are sending some pics to show you what is different.
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