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Hiya, I hope you can help or maybe point me in the right direction.

I have a grid of portfolio items nested within the Theme/layout (Home - St Marys) which is working for me on all devices except ipad/tablet in portrait 768px. It's an odd grid so one row of items is 25/50/25% with the row below 25/25/25/25% underneath. I understand the need for one column in a mobile layout (which works great) but I'd prefer the layout as intended if possible as it looks as though there is room too. ipad landscape 1024px works great.

I have attached jpegs with the various views, it will help to explain what I'm trying to get to.

I have been reading the threads regarding uk-width variables and even the .uk-container-center as a solution, but I'm not quite sure how they work so might need a little guidance. I have also thought about creating another set of particles with a visible class just for this view etc, but as everything else works well I wanted to ask you before I try various work arounds when maybe there is a useful bit of css I can add to the custom file?

I appreciate any help or guidance you can give.

many thanks

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