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Problems with blocks (?) in Milano

Hi Ivo

I really try to solve everything without bothering you, but I got stuck with a problem now since quite a while and don't know what else I can do. I'll attach the site details below.

My problem is that I want to use the fixed-module for a submenu on the left side on some of my pages. It works perfectly. Now I would like to hide the submenu on tablets and phones. Works perfectly by adding hidden-phone and hidden-tablet classes to the Sidebar-left block. But now I have a problem just on tablets. The Mainbody block does not fill the available width of the page, there is a free space on the right side and I don't know how to get rid of it. I already tried hiding Sidebar-right on tablets but that does not work. The Mainbody block fills the available space in Desktops and mobiles, but not in tablets. Maybe you can help? Please, a short answer would be sufficient.

Kind regards

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