Support Forum

Quickstart installation issue - documentation


I am impressed with the work done on Monday theme. It is excellent piece of work .

I have downloaded quickstart package but having issues installing it .

I have a hosting account with 10 domains . I am trying to install this theme on one of the domains.

I have extracted quickstart package and then used FTP to upload all file contents to domain folder i.e. followed by creating the database. but when i am opening the website in browser it is not asking me to install joomla or anything but showing me the contents which i uploaded to the domain .

Am i missing something or doing it wrong ?

Where do i need to upload the contents of quickstart package ? to public_html or the domain folder ?

uploading files to domain folder didnt helped me and also uploading files to public_html didnt helped.

It would be usefull if you have documentation on uploading and installing files to hosting server.

Many Thanks
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