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The Offcanvas Toggle in the main menu opens the Offcanvas section and while the breaking point for the mobile menu is not reached only those modules published to the Offcanvas-a and Offcanvas-b position will display.

As soon the breakpoint reaches the set value, the main menu will be displayed in the Offcanvas section.

Now my question: I would like to know if it is possible to always show the menu in the Offcanvas section, no matter what resolution (at the same time the menu should stay as it is in the Header position also)?

If I modify the value in the breakpoints for “Mobile Menu” the menu shows correctly in the Offcanvas section, but the menu in the Header position “disappears”

I would like to work with the menu in both positions, as the site has a complicated menu structure and I would like to hide some menu points (display:none) – due to space issues - in the header position, but show them in the Offcanvas section…

Thank you in advance for any suggestions!
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