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Some questions about the particle gallery

Hi again, this time I have some questions about the particle gallery. Now it's time to build my own photo gallery and I wanna make sure I do the very right steps from the beginning, so I don't have to build many galleries.

01 - When i fill in description for "title" "image alt tag" and "description" is this gallery optimized for google search? I course want my photos ranking high in google.
In pracsis, whats the differense between image alt tag and the title?

02 - When browsing the gallery from my phone, Samsung galaxy S6 the navigation buttons don't show up, meaning you have to open one photo, have a look, close it and then open next photo. Is this a bug or is it supposed to be this way? Browsing from computer there is navigation arrow for next photo...

03 - I wanna bring my viewers and customers from social media to my own website. Is there any way to implement the facebook share and like button when the photo pop up? If I have to i will pay for a customation like that, just bring me the number :)

Best regards
Robert Chr
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