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Submenu Dropdowns not working on hover

Hello guys, how are you?

Alright, i have a little issue to solve.

I have installed the 365News template and that was working great. But suddenly the submenus just stopped showing when I hover the main menu of my new site. it works only when you click the menus, then the dropdown shows up. :(

Well, in the menu particle of gantry 5 the option "Expand on Hover" is already marked for the template, so i have no idea what to do anymore. I made some tests like create another menu particles in different sections of the site, but with no success, same results. Can you help me with that?

The website that i'm creating is this one:
So if you can check it ill appreciate.

Let me know if you need more info or if you notice that I miss some basic stuff.

Best regards.

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