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Tabs particle


I have 2 questions:

1. There are two common ways how to use Joomla+Gantry5+Templete, and you wrote about it in "the recommended workflow". I`m about using Layout Manager - drag and drop particles directly vs. "Gantry 5 Particle" module/widget. Ok, as I understand, if I only use Joomla CMS it is better to use modules than particles directly in Layout Manager for dynamic content. And if I know, that, for example, it will be need to change CMS in the future (to Grav/WP), it is better to use particles in Layout Manager, isn`t it?

2. I`m very intrested in Tabs particle and how include in it another particle. I found an answer, where you wrote "Just use the {loadposition positionName} which is a core Joomla functionality." Ok. Can I do the same without Joomla functionality?
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