Support Forum


I just purchased and installed your Oxygen Theme on Joomla 3.5.1 running PHP 5.6, using your Quickstart package.

I've also read the entire Gantry 5 documentation here:, so I'm very familiar with how Gantry works.

My issue is the following:

Every button that I press for "save" or any button/switches that I move/change do not seem to quickly save and reload the page.
The saving styles button and other items (such as the "developer on/off switch under extras" show the "loading" icon which loads forever, and never goes away. Thus, I never know if the page ever saves or not, but I end up having to press "reload" on my browser for it to refresh the page and do something...
The Gantry 5 framework, or something on your theme isn't working completely.

After viewing various videos of how Gantry 5 works, I see that after pressing save, I'm supposed to see a pop-up notification (most of the times) saying "changes saved" or something similar. Yet, my site just stays on the "loading" icon and things don't change.

Yet, when I do press refresh after few seconds, I DO SEE that the changes were in fact saved... Which makes me think that changes do get saved, yet for some reason the Javascript or AJax on my page is not loading right or fast.

Video that shows what I'm talking about:

I'm using the latest version of Chrome on OSX.

any questions, contact me at
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