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Hi There,

I am looking to potentially move 10+ company websites across to use the Oxygen theme :) I have a test site set up to look at a few settings etc and to understand the template and so far it's looking really good apart from one challenge.

For a majority of our pages we use a 3 column layout so I am discovering how we can replicate this (example however after setting up a couple of test pages I keep getting the same result ( dev site link in site details) as you can see the content does not seem to be populating the full container and seems limited to around 1000px

I have tried to adjust the container sidebar/mainbody/aside settings in the base outlines but no matter what i try it simply does not want to change anything (cleared cache/expired cache/browser cache/tested on different computer), it's almost like the settings are driven elsewhere?

I have managed to change it using browser dev tools (attached screenshot).

This was achieved by changing g-content margin and padding to .5rem (just to give some extra area :o ) and changing g-block sizes to 20/65/15 respectively ( I thought that should be configurable via the layout).

Ideally I would like the container to be a little wider as opposed to changing padding though so was wondering if it would be easy to globally change the container width to 85 rem (1360 px)

P.s. not an actual developer myself (I use an external company), so apologies if I have said something wrong.

Kind Regards

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