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Hi Ivo,

I’m struggling with CSS on my page to positioning a logo on top the slider. I had before other problems with it and not sure if I have found the solution.

The logo should be on top the slider in the right top position.

I have added the following CSS properties:
.c-logo-test {
z-index: 1000;
position: relative;
height: auto;
left: 81%;
bottom: 180%;
width: 23%;

To find the values I have played with FF and it works (for the moment). After refresh of the page the logo is after the slider, when I change the bottom value in FF from 180% to 181% the logo jump to the top position back until the next refresh.

I’m not sure what happens or what is wrong with the values, do you have a solution for me?

I now it isn’t an issue with the template, but you are a professional to correct my mistake :D

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