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Support Forum

Simon Slee
Simon Slee

I am working with the Headlines template and need help with a number of issues please:

1) When using Logo Advanced particle, the modal panel sits under the menu bar so it is unreadable. Is there way to make it sit over the menu bar?

2) When using the Features particle, even though I have it set on style 3 it will not display the comment box stylings that usually show with this particle. I have used Features on Galaxy template and it works fine, but wont work on Headlines. Is there are way to get it to style like style 3?

3) Breadcrumbs will not display on the Contact Us page, I cannot figure it out?

4) When using the Pricing Tables particle, it only provides 2 styles (I have downloaded the latest particle version), yet your demo site shows 4 stylings. How do I get the other 2 stylings (I'm trying to get the 3rd one)?

5) I'm trying to get 2 banners to display side by side exactly like on the 365 News template. I have created 2 banners in positions mainbottom-a and mainbottom-b, and I have adjusted the module width positions, but I cannot get them to be an even height (the 2 banners are the same height) no matter what % I set. I think it is something to do with the module padding for the template but I'm not sure how to adjust this without editing CSS (I'm not very experienced with CSS).

Sorry it's so much but I prefer to work through a template and hit you with all the questions in one go, and your support has been outstanding before so hopefully you can help again here.

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