Dear Ivo,
I'm sure you're aware of the next major update of Gantry to Gantry5.5 version.
I've done some testing on it, working locally with free Helium template and GRAV 1.7.17. I'm a bit disappointed because there are still problems unsolved, like the old issue of Grav not accepting more than one category in some particles like "ContentPro"(see
Apart from this, there is also a problem with copy/importing particles: it looks like it's impossible to import new particles from other templates using this path:
user/data/gantry5/themes/my-theme/ and including the file yaml and html.twig in a custom folder "particles", creating the "js" folder (if needed) and including the related css in a custom folder "scss" (of course writing @import "name-of-the-particle"; in the custom.scss file).
the link to the issue is
I wonder if you've tried and tested the new Gantry5.5 and have experienced the same problem...
Just curious, this is not a request of support