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I can't believe it's only been one year since I became a member of InspireThemes. It seems like a much longer time.
In a year I've learned so much about Joomla, Particles, custom scss, and I've grown as a designer in many ways.
I completed a very complex government website that showcases Joomla's potential and more importantly, InspireThemes' powerful and elegant templates.
I came to inspireThemes because I found a template that was perfect for the site I was building. I purchased the Oxygen template not to change its appearance but to use its simplicity and elegance straight out of the box.
My coworkers and our customers love the website that I created using Oxygen and I couldn't have made this journey without the support of Ivo, and in a way, this is a love letter to him. I feel a kinship with Ivo and all of the InspireThemes community.
Thank you all and thank you Ivo!
I'm ready for another great year with InspireThemes.

Accepted Answer

Thursday, March 01 2018, 10:33 PM - #Permalink
Hey Alan,

Thank you so much for the kind words! You really made my day :)

Your website looks great and I'm glad that we have such wonderful and creative people in our community!
I'm very happy that I could help but the more important thing is that you've learned a lot. After all, this is the whole purpose - to keep learning new things, to develop ourselves and to become better and better in what we do ;)

Have an awesome day Alan and thank you once again :)
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