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I am talking about something like this: /images/Demo/blog/business6.jpg?5b91ac28

The problem I encounter is, after I install one of your quickstart installations, there are some placeholder images like shown in the above URL. For some reason, I want my own placeholders so I downloaded and modified all these pictures and uploaded them back to the original place. Then all pictures URLs are broken. I know it has something to do with the parameters inside the URLs and have done some research about it, so far my understanding is this "?5b91ac28" is like a version controller but I don't know how to resolve the issue. And I thought this parameter had to do with CDN, but I don't think we are using CDN here. So could someone please explain to me what usage of URL parameter here is and how to deal with the image disappearing issue?

I recompiled CSS but it didn't help
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