Support Forum


I have before asked this questions where you have provided the code for sticky when scrolling down and sticky only when scrolling up

I now have a question on sticky header on mobile only when scrolling up on my latest page:

As i on Desktop version have a scroll menu below the slide, i need to keep the header menu sticking all the time. I do that with
{top:-665, animation: 'uk-animation-slide-top', media: 768}

Works well

On Mobile version i have disabled the menu below slideshow as its hard to display it well.
As the page is quite long it would be good to get the "Header" sticky" when scrolling up on mobile
The code you provided before was:
{showup: true, animation: 'uk-animation-slide-top', media: 768}

Question: Is there a way to get this code implemented only on mobile version?
In the template I dont find a place to defne what to do with the header on mobile version

Is there a way?
Can you point me in the right direction?
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