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Support Forum

uikit v2 upload files

Hello Ivo

I apologize for sending you so many questions in a few days, but i have a problem with upolad file componente from uikit v2.

I put this code in an article

<div id="upload-drop" class="uk-placeholder">

<h3> Zona de carga de imágenes.</h3>

<i class="uk-icon-cloud-upload uk-icon-medium uk-text-muted uk-margin-small-right"></i> Subir la foto <a class="uk-form-file"><input id="upload-select" type="file"></a>.


<div id="progressbar" class="uk-progress uk-hidden">
<div class="uk-progress-bar" style="width: 0%;">...</div>

Previously, i have create a custom JSS atom in Global page Setting (yo can see the javascript code after tag if you select view source code.

When you select the url you can select the image to upload, but something is wrong i can't upload the image to the file folder.

I send you the site details.

Best regards.

Accepted Answer

Saturday, January 19 2019, 11:52 AM - #Permalink
No, no, no Santiago.
This is not how it works.

The UIkit framework is a front-end framework.
It is responsible only for the front-end, only for the things you see in the browser.
All the logic (backend stuff) needs to be written separately, usually in PHP.

As a conslusion, you need to write PHP code that will take the file you choose on the front-end (UIkit) and will upload it on a particular location on the server.

This is totally out of the scope of support and I cannot write the PHP code for you.
You will need to hire a freelancer to do it for you. It is programming, it is not just playing with the front-end.
Thank you for the understanding.

P.S. You might want to search for a "File Upload" extension for Joomla.
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