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User menu in offcanvas?

Nick Jonow
Nick Jonow

As discussed here Gantry will detect any module in the offcanvas section, and you added in a custom module with some text to illustrate (thank you for that!)

However, I did (and still do) have a menu module published in the offcanvas section and it just wont show up. I looked at adding a gantry menu, but it says it's only designed for the header only, and the mobile menu particles looks like its a container only.

My question is:

Is it possible to put a user menu in the "offcanvas" position (in desktop mode) so that you have the top main menu and a user menu in the offcanvas?

In mobile mode, this user menu would still show, either above or below the regular "mobile menu".

If its NOT possible using this framework, is there a workaround? I'm more than happy to pay for any such, to you guys, or any partners or freelancers you may work with.

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, December 22 2022, 07:33 PM - #Permalink
    Hello Nick,

    Yes, it is possible to have a Menu module published in the Offcanvas section.
    Please have a look at this video that I recorded for you.

    Regarding the styling of the Menu Items in the Offcanvas section - add the following code to your custom.scss file:

    #g-offcanvas a {
    color: inherit;
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