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WCAG additions to templates

Jimmy Reid
Jimmy Reid
Hi Ivo,

I renewed my membership because of the WCAG addition to the templates - excellent move. I am wondering if we just upload the new template over the existing one - is that it?

I don't do any custom work to the template - I use an external custom CSS component - so it should be straightforward.

I am also already using the screen reader from storeextensions which is great.
Let me know


Accepted Answer

Thursday, January 10 2019, 05:20 PM - #Permalink
Hi Jim,

As long as you have not made any customization to the particle Twig file (as long as you do not have an override in the custom/particles folder) all you need to do is to update the template as explained in the "Update" section in the template documentation. Just upload the Standalone template ( over the existing one via the Extensions Manager.

Sorry, I forgot to ask if the updated particles will also be loaded at the same time as the template is loaded?

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean :)
The particles are part of the template. So as soon as you update the template, you will get the updated particles.

For the other users who have overrides in the custom/particles folder - you need to manually copy the new Twig files by overwriting the existing ones.
Here is an example:

1. Let's say that you are using the Oxygen template. It does not come with the "Gallery" particle by default.

2. But you needed the "Gallery" particle so you installed it manually by following the Installation Instructions.

3. In order to update the "Gallery" particle you need to do the following:
a. Download its latest version from our website
b. Copy the YAML and Twig files to your custom/particles folder by overwriting the files that are already there.

It would have been much easier if the Rockettheme guys had implemented the Particle Packaging.
I encourage all of you to comment on the Particle Packaging issue on Github. The more people ask for it, the sooner it will get implemented.
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Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Jimmy Reid
    Jimmy Reid
    Thursday, January 10 2019, 03:29 PM - #Permalink
    Sorry, I forgot to ask if the updated particles will also be loaded at the same time as the template is loaded?

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